Augusta Fine Homes Blog

7 Advantages of Building a Custom Home

Written by Wendee Bishop | Wed, Jan 4, 2017

As you explore the idea of purchasing a new home, you can quickly discover there are many distinctly different options available to you. Do you buy resale and renovate? Do you build a new home? Do you choose a custom builder over a production builder? 

You may already know the answer depending on the reasons you’ve decided to purchase, but we are here to help with your decision. Below is a partial list of the many advantages to building a custom home.

Quality Over Quantity

Production builders mainly operate on a quantity business model. They provide a lower-priced product on the notion they will sell a much higher volume in the course of a year. As such, they may build anywhere from 75 to 1000 homes per year. To do so, details can be missed and product is contingent on mass availability and labour.

A custom home builder focuses on crafting the best home with the best materials, supplies, and labour. A custom builder will construct far fewer homes per year in order to pay attention to minute details and to provide top quality service. Contrary to production builders who must design their models around current market trends, your custom home can be designed to your own unique specifications. Truly, almost anything is possible with home customization..

Savings Over Time

While a custom home may cost more to design and build, you will be receiving the best quality products and service available at the time of your build. This means that your home won’t need repairs or maintenance until much later in the future, saving you time, money, and stress.

By building the custom home that suits your specific needs, you save yourself costly renovations versus a resale home. And since your custom home is specifically designed for you, you will be less inclined to purchase another home in the future, saving you the extensive costs of selling and purchasing again.

Ability to Adjust the Plan

A custom home builder understands that it's all about using your personality to define your custom home. Due to this flexible nature, a good custom home builder will be working closely with you throughout the entire build of your home to ensure everything is coming to life as you expected. Should anything not be working as well as planned, there are opportunities for adjustments.

Energy Efficiency

As of November 1, 2016, new Energy Codes have come into effect for the entire industry, raising the bar for minimum energy efficiency in all new homes. This isn’t to say your custom home builder hasn’t already been exceeding those codes for quite some time. 

Higher quality products and improved construction processes ensure your custom home is as energy efficient as possible. Should you wish to add on to this efficiency with items like solar panels, or create a Net-Zero Energy home, your custom home builder will be happy to discuss these options with you.


Custom home builders offer a fantastic selection of highly private lots, allowing you to have the peace and privacy you desire. Not only are the lots much larger, putting far more space between you and your neighbours, but your home can be designed around its location on the lot. For example, you may wish to place your master suite in the quietest, most secluded section of the home. The beauty of a custom home is that you can ultimately design your living experience from scratch.

Resale Value

Due to the high-quality construction and top-end materials used in your custom home, your resale value—should you choose to sell—will be sustainable over time. Your home will still look and feel new for many years beyond your possession date, adding to the appeal to home buyers. Thus, the investment you make in your custom home will be sound for a long time, giving you great peace of mind.

Sentimental Value

Something you cannot put a price on is the value of owning a home you designed yourself. Almost as though raised from birth, your home becomes a part of you and the emotional value of your custom home is worth so much more than money.

This compilation of benefits is just the beginning. We welcome you to contact us to learn more about our homes, our communities, and how we can build you a place to call home.