Augusta Fine Homes Blog

6 Ways to Get Comfortable in Your New Community

Written by Wendee Bishop | Mon, Aug 7, 2017

Moving into a new community can be both exciting and daunting. On one hand, you're anticipating a fresh start, living in a home you've eagerly waited to move into for months, and making your mark in a new setting.

On the other, a new community is the unknown, and you can feel very isolated and alone in your new surroundings. But there are things you can do to make the transition a little smoother and to get comfortable in your new community.

Get Outside 

You won't get comfortable with your new community by staying indoors. Go outside and explore. 

Take a walk around your new neighbourhood to learn where things are, enjoy the green spaces and high-end amenities it has to offer. If you have a dog, take it with you so you both get some exercise in the process. You'll be amazed at the kind of people you'll meet along the way, and having a pet on a leash can be a great conversation starter.

Say hello to your neighbours around your home. If you're the shy type, there's no need to go right up to the door and knock; just wait for an ideal opportunity while you're both out watering flowers or shovelling the driveway.

Look for Groups to Join 

Whether you prefer to do this online or in person, your new community may have groups you can join. Your neighbourhood may have a local recreation centre where you can join programs of interest to meet like-minded neighbours and bond over yoga or fitness classes. 

If you prefer your socialization online, you can search for private resident groups for your area where fellow residents communicate about everything related to the community and beyond. Need a babysitter? I'm sure someone in the area can recommend one.

Shop at Your Local Stores 

Even if you prefer to shop at a big box store elsewhere in the city, look for a store that might offer the same thing closer to home. Not only will you support local business, but you'll also potentially meet your fellow residents on a regular basis and start to see familiar faces.

Does your community have a farmer's market? That is the best opportunity to support local business and meet some new, fantastic faces.

Do Something New Every Week 

Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to something new each week. Join a class if they're available, take a new neighbour out for coffee, or volunteer. Change your path where you walk or the time of day.

If you've never gardened before, try that on your brand new yard. If you plant some great new flowers for your front verandah or perhaps a small flowerbed at the front of your property, it may turn out to be a conversation piece.

Watch for Events 

New communities often have events twice a year, once in spring and once in fall, to gather local residents together for great food, fun, and activities. Watch your local newsletter or in-store billboards for community events. Take the whole family; these events are a blast.

If you have the energy and willingness, volunteer to help out at local events as well. If your community has a community centre, get involved. There is always something that needs to be done, and it's a great way to meet new people and get to know the area.

Be Patient With Yourself 

Moving is stressful, and so is learning new surroundings. Don't be discouraged if you don't feel like "one of them" right away. If you're moving into a brand new development, everyone else is in the same boat as you so you can find something in common with your new neighbours.

Take your time getting to know the new things and people around you. If you feel comfortable after a while, make use of your outdoor entertaining features and offer to host a block party in your yard.

Getting settled after moving takes time. Be sure to tackle your moving to-do list first, unpacking all of your things so your home feels like your safe haven, and the community around you will start to feel more like home every day.

Photo credits: familyguestsmothers