Augusta Fine Homes Blog

You've Sold Your Current Home – Now What?

Written by Wendee Bishop | Wed, Oct 11, 2017

Congratulations! You've sold your current home. 

For most homeowners buying a new home, selling their existing one is the most stressful part of the entire process. You've accomplished this, and it's time to get your ducks in a row for the next steps. Moving is the next most stressful bit, but we have some tips that might help you make this transition just a little smoother.

Change Your Address on Everything 

Make a list of all of the services you have in your name. By changing your address in an efficient manner, you'll ensure your move to your new home will not create any unexpected situations such as bills being missed or your new homeowners getting your mail and not forwarding it to you. 

  • Possible services on which to change your address include:
  • Utilities
  • Cable
  • Internet
  • Phones – landline and mobile
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Bank accounts and credit cards
  • Driver's license
  • Health care
  • Benefits
  • Insurance
  • Your employers
  • Doctor, dentist, veterinarian
  • Memberships
  • Canada Revenue Agency

Just in case you think you might have missed anyone, you can also have Canada Post forward your mail for a preferred period of time to catch any unexpected mail at your old address.

Get Your Closing Paperwork In Order

In order to close on your new home, you'll need certain paperwork ready to go for your appointment with the lawyer. This includes your government issued identification, any outstanding funds you are required to close, a void cheque for the mortgage lender, and proof of insurance on your new home. 

Your lawyer will be taking care of the rest and will review the documentation with you at your appointment. This appointment usually takes place about a week before your possession date, so be sure you're ready in plenty of time. If everything is not in order at this time, it may delay taking possession of your new home.

Clean Your Current Home Top to Bottom 

This is more of a courtesy to the new homeowner than anything really required. Leave your home in the same condition you'd expect someone to leave the home you were moving into. When you're ready to move in, the last thing you want to have to do first is clean a mess someone else left. 

Remove all items from the home, sweep up the floors, vacuum carpets (and shampooing or steam cleaning is a nice touch), and thoroughly clean any sinks, tubs, and toilets in the home. Be sure the kitchen appliances, pantry, and cabinets are free of any food particles.

It's also a good idea to shut off water valves in the home if you know your new homeowners won't be moving in for a while after you leave. This ensures there's no risk of water leakage in the home while no one is watching the house. Be sure to leave a note for the new homeowners, though, letting them know what you've done. Otherwise, they may not realize why their water isn't flowing.

Gather the Keys 

There are likely a few different keys for the home that you should leave behind. The obvious one is the key to the front/back door, but you may also have keys for the garage, mailbox, gates, remote control garage door opener, or any other gadget in your home that has a lock of some kind. Be sure to leave these keys for the next homeowner — there's nothing worse than buying a home and having to re-key everything off the bat. 

Collect Manuals 

If you still have them, collect all of the user manuals for appliances and other features staying in the home. If there's a new home warranty on the home, leave the documentation behind so, if there are future issues, the new owners know how to get in touch with someone for warranty repairs.

Last But Not Least 

Check every nook and cranny of your home for possible forgotten items. Over the years when we live in a home, items get tucked into places we don't tend to think about. Check closets, cabinets, in dark corners and underneath things.

When you're leaving the home for the very last time, be sure to close all of the window coverings and lock all doors. If you know the new owners won't be moving in for a while, consider leaving behind an inexpensive lamp plugged in and turned on so it doesn't appear to be an abandoned home.

Moving into a new home is both exciting and exhausting. But with a few thoughtful steps, you can make your move into your next new home a smooth and pleasant one.

Photo credits: sold, cleaning, keys