Augusta Fine Homes Blog

Sweat it out in your custom home gym

Written by Wendee Bishop | Wed, May 8, 2019

There are many benefits to creating a home gym - no travel time, no crowds and equipment you actually want to use.  A well-designed home gym provides the motivation and flexibility to achieve your fitness goals. Factors such as the room color, lighting and air quality as well as architectural factors like high ceilings and interior décor, can support workout routines. You can design your personal luxury gym to include state-of-the-art exercise equipment and even a sauna to help your overall heath and wellness goals. When discussing plans for a home gym with your custom home builder, keep the following in mind.

Space and Location

Ideally, your home gym should be as spacious as possible. A crowded space cramps your motivation. When determining what size your gym should be allow adequate room for training equipment, workout space, storage and of course, future expansion. Remember it’s not just about square footage but  head clearance as well.  A minimum of 8’ is highly recommended. 

Location, location, location. Basements are a often chosen for an exercise area and considered by many to be the best place. They are cooler, and the concrete floors usually found in basements absorb the droning vibrations of treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines that can be transmitted through a wood-framed floor. Your space should also have some natural light if possible. If you can’t get a window into your gym, you can add specialty light bulbs that mimic sunlight or even adding a LED Coelux (  faux skylight that will actually make you believe you have a real sunlight.

Floors and walls

Flooring is critical. The type of flooring you choose is dependent on what’s in your gym. Flooring needs to withstand continuous wear and tear from heavy machinery and activities, provide cushioning for injury prevention and comfort, and sound absorption. The most popular flooring options are rubber flooring, foam flooring, and vinyl tiles. 

Mirrors in gyms aren’t just for admiring your physique – they’re important for you to stay balanced and work on your form plus it will make your gym feel much more spacious. Ideally you want a mirror that covers an entire wall from floor to ceiling. Not every wall needs a mirror,  paint the other walls a bright white to bolster your mood and energy level. Acoustic wall panels are another popular choice for walls in home gyms, especially useful if the gym is within close proximity to the main living space in the home. Some people prefer to listen to loud music when exercising, and acoustic wall panels can help to absorb much of this noise.

Temperature control and air quality

Ideally, your home gym should have separate temperature controls from the rest of the house. Within the gym itself, custom temperature controls allow you to adjust the temperature in different areas with the push of a button. You can keep the sauna area at a certain temperature for more comfort or turn up the heat to do some yoga. If you are in the middle of an intense cardio workout, push-button controls can instantly cool the room.

Air quality and ventilation can affect how much oxygen reaches your system and optimize your workout. Who wants to breathe in bad air while exercising? Cleaning the air inside your home will promote greater health and improve your home workouts. Consider a whole-home filtration system or gym-specific solution.

Entertaining and Tech features

While working out is the main purpose of a home gym, having entertainment features installed make fitness routines more enjoyable. Music provides that extra push when we have exerted our bodies beyond its threshold. A state-of-the-art audio system with high-quality speakers and the ability to sync up with your phone or iTunes library lets you have your favorite workout playlists on while you’re exercising.

A wall-mounted big screen TV gives you something to watch as you lift weights or do a cardio workout. For better sound quality, install a surround sound system. Make sure that your gym has a strong Wi-Fi signal. A growing number of companies offer apps and equipment that let you experience the music and interaction of a live spin class, rowing or yoga with a certified instructor.  Wi-Fi also provides the ability for online browsing or check to see how your stocks are doing while exercising.

Storage, drinks and snacks

A home gym needs storage for equipment, towels and even beverages. Built-in storage means  equipment is out of the way when not being used. Lockers give you a place to keep workout clothing and extra towels. Additional lockers can be installed for friends or family members while using the gym.

Nutrition and exercise go hand-in-hand. Add a wet-bar to keep sports drinks, bottles of water, and nutrition bars close at hand. A  blender allows you to make fresh drinks and relax after your workout. The wet bar could include custom-built cabinets and countertops made from luxurious materials, such as quartz for easy maintenance.

Your new custom home builder can take all of your requests into consideration and help you determine the best overall design for your home gym.